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May 18, 2012

The Hunger Games (part 2): The Personal Cost of Our Amusement

by quaesitor

Having taken a look at the big picture, political issues of the Hunger Games trilogy in the first part of my Damaris review, it seemed to me that the heart of the books lies in their exploration of the private. In fact, it’s very unlikely that the books would be anything like as successful as they have been were it not for this. For we really get to know Katniss, in all her doubt, confusions and even less attractive qualities. She is not a cardboard cutout heroine, which is perhaps why so many (both male and female) relate to her so well. After all, there are not many female protagonists who appeal across the gender divide.

This more private element humanises the books – huge forces are at work in our world, and so often the prevailing feeling is one of helplessness, of being adrift on tidal currents. We would love to know how to do something about it, but don’t know where to begin. And many have simply stopped caring.

So anyway, to find out more, click on part 2 below.


click on the images to get hold of the books

Since I got rather carried away, the review of the trilogy is too long for one article – so is going to be posted in 2 parts. Read it here:

Amusing Ourselves At Their Deaths (Part 2)

Amusing Ourselves At Their Deaths (Part 1)

Oh, and for those wanting a contrary, more robust critique, check out Trevin Wax’s Why HG is flawed to its core. He’s onto something but I’m not with him 100%. However, he’s absolutely right at the end about never reading/viewing as a passive recipient.

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